chelsea howells

Pattern Brand

Pattern is a global eCommerce company who helps brands with all D to C applications, primarily Amazon. This brand is a sage archetype with a logician personality type. The logo design was a collaboration with my creative director Josh Mendenhall and I coming up with the bar graph concept, that doubles as a ‘P’ for pattern which we nicknamed the Piagonal. Futura is used to bridge old and new and because the forms are so geometric and mathematical. Pattern is a team of partner obsessed data fanatics who get things done and raise the roof. I created the brand’s style guide, visual identity and rules for color use, typography systems, iconography and logo variations. This guides the brand in all instances of use from print to social to the website. Everyone in the company received a printed copy of the brand guide as a desk reference. Other designers involved: Tim Avery and Elyse Taylor.
